The Bar Foundation’s purpose is two-fold: to honor attorneys who have distinguished themselves in the profession and to administer a grant making program. That project, known by its acronym “IOLTA” (Interest On Lawyers’ Trust Accounts), has awarded grants in excess of $18,000,000 to law-related, public interest projects throughout Tennessee.
Robert L. Hutton is a Member in the firm of Glankler Brown, PLLC, practicing generally in litigation, with substantial experience in federal civil rights, constitutional law, general business litigation, and criminal law. His credentials include having argued several cases before the United States Court of Appeals, the Tennessee Appellate Courts and the Tennessee Supreme Court. Mr. Hutton is privileged to be one of the few attorneys to have argued a case before the United States Supreme Court. He is a graduate of Vanderbilt University.
ABOUT GLANKLER BROWN: Based in Memphis, Tennessee, Glankler Brown, PLLC attorneys represent clients with matters throughout the United States and abroad. In addition to Tennessee, the firm’s attorneys are licensed in Mississippi, Arkansas, New York, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, and the District of Columbia. With experience in more than 30 different areas of law, Glankler Brown’s attorneys deliver quality legal services to local, regional, national and international clients.
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